It was May 1st of this past year when I took the leap of faith and quit everything I was doing to focus 100% on Hope is Alive and telling my story. It’s been quite a ride since that day. God has provided in too many ways to list. He’s proven, yet again, that His plans are ALWAYS better than mine.
Since that day I’ve shared my story over 60 times! I’ve spoken to youth groups, senior adults, business groups, high school drop outs, addicts in treatment and parents of addicts. I’ve dealt hope to inmates, the homeless, recovery groups, AA groups, executives, pastors and junior high students. I’ve been blessed to carry the message from Los Angles to Israel to the Oklahoma panhandle. Needless to say it’s been an incredible few months.
I can honestly say, for probably the first time, that today I am confident in my ability to share my story in a way that moves people, inspires people and hopefully gives others what they need to make a change in their life.
I think God has shown me two things when it comes to my story. First off, my story transcends addiction. People find inspiration in my story, not because I overcame drug addiction, but more so because I OVERCAME period. Everyone, no matter what their situation needs to see hope in someone else. People are searching for hope. Why? Because so many people are struggling. So what I have found is that God is using my story to help people believe in themselves again. It gives them that little push they need to step out. It’s that encouraging voice in their ear that says, “you can do this, you’re not alone, its gonna be ok.” My story speaks to everyone, because we all need HOPE!
The second thing God has taught me I probably should have already known, but I’m kinda slow sometimes. It’s this…. My story is not about me. Duh right? But it’s true. My story is not about me, it’s about God. It’s not about my strength, my power or my fortitude. It’s about his strength, his sovereignty and His love. It’s a story of restoration and we can’t restore ourselves, only God can do that. My story is about God’s grace and His relentless pursuit of His people.
Speaking is a HUGE part of what I do and an even bigger part of the movement of Hope is Alive. So today I am asking you for help. I don’t hardly ever do this in the blog, but as I tell the guys in our program, sometimes it’s ok to ask for help.
So if you’re church needs to a “Dose of Hope” a day to help people break the chains that have been dragging them down, would you consider booking me? Maybe you aren’t the person in charge, but you could pass along my name or one of my videos to your pastor. I speak in churches nearly every weekend. I’d love to come to yours!
Or maybe you lead a business and you’re folks need a little pick me up or a motivational talk on overcoming challenges, would you consider booking me for a corporate event? I’ve done lunch meetings, corporate events, and seminars.
Or maybe you lead a recovery group and you need to get a little momentum booster, a “hope” focused speech. Would you consider bringing me out for a night?
I really appreciate any consideration. If you know of anyone who may be willing to consider having me out, send them over the link to this blog or share it on social media.
If you’d like to know more about having me speaking or check my availability then feel free to email me at [email protected] or head over to my Speaking Page and submit an inquiry.
-Hope is Alive