Do you want to see a miracle?
Learn how to give yourself away.
The past seven days have been full of opportunities to give back to others what God has so freely given to me. I’ve been able to sit down and talk about decision making with fathers and sons, discuss alcoholism with pastors kids and counsel old high school friends through social media, all while passing along my life lessons and experience with five of the most special men on this planet. Today my life is all about giving back. And I love it! It’s incredibly rewarding and no day is ever the same. However at times it can be terribly challenging and excruciatingly lonely. But in the end I believe I am fulfilling the singular purpose of my existence each time I give of myself to another.
I also think that God is honored and pleased when we give to others. When we do we are practicing the second most important commandment ‘Love your neighbor as yourself‘.
So what about you? You have gifts, talents, experience, counsel, ears to hear and arms to hold. Right? Well how are you using them? Today I urge you to give them all away. Freely. All the greatness God has blessed upon you, give it away.
Hug someone who needs it.
Love someone who doesn’t deserve it.
Forgive when its unexpected.
Listen to those who just need to talk. 
Pray for those that hurting.
Walk with those in need of exercise
Teach those who just can’t seem to understand
Mentor those no one else will
Give yourself away & watch the miracle begin to happen.
People are often confused about this act of service and want to make it something bigger than it is. Giving yourself away is not about being perfect or doing something extravagant. It’s simply about being willing to love someone else. To take the energy that you would have used on yourself and expend it on another. What happens after you do this is the miracle. It ‘s seeing lives change because of what God has allowed YOU to do. The moment you realize that what you have done has changed someone else’s life, that’s the miracle moment.
I wrote about this in my book, here’s an excerpt from chapter 8….
The miracle behind giving back is how it strengthens you. So whether your personality is similar to mine or not, I challenge you to push yourself beyond what you are accustomed. Stretch yourself and see what happens.
Addict or not, we’ve all been given an amazing gift—a brand-new existence—and with that comes responsibility and with that responsibility comes influence. Courageously sharing our stories of hope and passing along lessons we’ve learned should become an innate part of our existence. 
The Big Book again sums it up well when speaking to this charge to give it away: “Never avoid these responsibilities, but be sure you are doing the right thing if you assume them. Helping others is the foundation stone of your recovery. A kindly act once in a while isn’t enough. You have to act the Good Samaritan every day, if need be.”
– Taken from “Hope is Alive” – Pick a copy here: